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KINO, St. Petersburg

eath is worth Living,
And Love is worth Waiting...

There is something strange in the popularity of KINO - all success and fame came to the group when it had been almost forgotten and split. The catalyser of a new wave of KINO-mania appeared to be the release of the group's album 'Blood Type' in spring, 1988.
Originally was created by Victor Tsoi and Alexei Ribin in autumn, 1981. The debut took place next spring at St.Petersburg's Rock-Club together with Akvarium and ZOO when the group released its first album '45'. Then the group moved to Moscow and disappeared from the music arena.
But in 1984 KINO re-appeared again with a new program. They performed live at the 2nd St.Petersburg's Rock-Festival where they made a real sensation. Since then KINO was awarded several prizes in 1984, 1985 and 1987.

The group consisted of
Victor Tsoi (guitar, vocal)
Yuri Kasparyan (guitar)
Alexander Titov (bass) - was replaced by Igor Tikhomirov
Georgi Guriyanov (drums)

The songs of KINO take the listeners by their fresh and original tunes and the lyrics by Victor Tsoi consist of romantic moods in combination with real life pictures. They reflect a young man's inner world and are full of kind humour and often bitter irony which characterises V.Tsoi's poetry very well. His late lyrics are full of the need to act but not to sit and wait hoping to change this world.
KINO took a short part in S.Solovyov's movie 'ASSA' in 1989 with their song 'We're waiting for Changes'. They also starred in the other movies such as 'Rock', 'The City' and 'The Niddle' by R.Nurgmanov where Victor Tsoi had a lead role.
The group started performing at various festivals and concerts both within the country and abroad (in Denmark, as part of 'Next Stop' movement, in France, at Rock-Festival in Bourshe and in Italy, at the festival of Russian Rock 'Again in USSR'). In 1989 the group released their LP album in France.
On 15 August, 1990 Victor Tsoi died in a car accident.
In 1991 'Melody' studio released the memorial album of KINO - 'Black Album' where the songs from the group's rehearsals were performed by V.Tsoi just before he died.
Currently on Arbat Street, in the centre of Moscow, there is The Wall of Victor Tsoi with his photos and lyrics all over the place. His fans and friends are always there, his songs are in the air and candles never stop lighting keeping his memory alive ...
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: ТиМ (28.10.2007)
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